Pantsers Everywhere Rejoice

Have you ever wondered whether to plot a novel or just write by the seat of your pants? Join me as I discuss this age-old writing dilemma.

Buried Talents & Wasted Gifts

Have you ever felt like you could be doing more with your creative talents and gifts? Maybe this post has the answers you’ve been seeking.Read more

The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life – Book Review and Insights

I’ve been reading a book I find I must talk about here in these pages. It’s titled The Christian’s Secret to a Happy Life by Hannah Whitall Smith—and it’s absolutely life-changing.Read more

Editing Is NOT Writing

Are you caught up in the editing stages of a book, story, or novel and just can’t seem to get back to the actual writing? This blog post offers a helpful solution.Read more

Coaxing Out the Masterpiece Within

Do you sometimes feel the desire to write but don’t know exactly what to write about? Join me as I sort through this very problem on the page—and come out on the other side victorious.Read more

How to Write for Thine Own Self First

Have you ever felt hindered to express yourself in your writing? Are you struggling with how to write for yourself and what to release to the public eye? What if writing was more than just “creating content”? Read on as I share my own struggles and insights on these very topics.Read more

Stop Chasing the Money, Pursue Meaningful Work Instead

It’s amazing how many people God has placed in our lives who love us. Is it not therefore logical that He, too, loves us enough to take care of our needs and even desires (Psalm 37:4; Philippians 4:19)?

Answering Your Guitar Solo Questions – The Creative Guitarist

I’m answering some of your most commonly asked guitar solo questions. Have a look to learn how to level up your guitar solos.

How I Used Scrivener to WIN NaNoWriMo!

Scrivener Video Thumbnail

National Novel Writing Month (aka NaNoWriMo) will soon be upon us. The event begins each November, and you can watch this video on how to WIN it using the popular writing software Scrivener based on my success back in 2015.Read more

The Best Online Course Builder You’ve Never Heard Of — And Why You Should Consider Using It

Payhip Online Course Builder

If you’re looking to create your first online course, want to switch to a more affordable course building platform, or want to make some extra money on the side, this may be the best online course builder on the market.Read more