Facing Your Creative Fears

Greetings, faithful readers. In this blog post I’d like to share with you some strategies to help you face your creative fears, taken from the pages of one of my many journals. If you haven’t tried journaling, you’re missing out on some great inspiration that you could glean from later in life, especially when it comes … Read more

Is FEAR and AVOIDANCE Keeping You from Taking ACTION?

When it comes to taking ACTION, FEAR and AVOIDANCE can be your worst enemies.  Join me as I discuss how to conquer your fears by taking ACTION!


Taking ACTION: Scratching the Writing Itch

I haven’t written in a few days and absolutely need to scratch the writing itch for the time being.

I’m sitting here in a local coffee shop watching the cars whiz by as the wake of a recent ice and snow storm lights up the surrounding area with its brightness. (To see pictures, click here.)

I’ve been considering creating yet another side project in addition to my novel in progress and a new ebook I’m working on about goals and goal setting.  It’s based on a website I keep seeing mentioned in blog posts, on podcasts, and appearing randomly as I surf the web.

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