5 Strategies to Overcome Procrastination Guilt

Have you ever found yourself feeling guilty for procrastinating? Read on to see my strategies to overcome procrastination guilt and give your creativity a jumpstart.Read more

How to Form New Habits with Creativity

Form New Habits Creativity thumb

Have you ever found it hard to break old habits and create new ones? In this blog post, I’ll give you a strategy to help you bust through your current habits and form newer, more productive habits.Read more

Re-evaluating Creative Priorities – The Foreseeable Future of the Eric Beaty Blog

What I’ve decided to do with my blog for the foreseeable future, why I currently prefer a different method of blogging, and my new creative priorities.Read more

My PA Planner – Review and Thoughts

For the past several months I’ve been using a new planner called My PA Planner. Keep reading to see my overall impressions and a list of pros and cons.

The Liberty of Discipline: How Discipline Creates Freedom

Discipline and Balance

It’s the fifth day of the new year, and it’s time to reconsider my priorities and rearrange my lifestyle, particularly where food is concerned. But even if you’re okay with your weight, reading this post can help you with other areas of life where you might find yourself lacking in discipline.Read more

The Akrasia Effect: Why We Don’t Follow Through on Things

I’ve decided to start cultivating great content from other sources once in a while to help add value to my blog. This will help me focus more on writing books and stories while still helping you achieve your most important goals! Here for you now is a great article about a phenomenon known as the Akrasia … Read more

The Emergent Task Planner

ETP by Dave Seah

It’s goal setting time again! Join me as I share with you one of the best tools I’ve discovered for increasing my productivity: The Emergent Task Planner™! Share0 Share +10 Tweet this, pretty please!0 Share0 Pin0 Read more

Staying True to Yourself

William Shakespeare

Have you ever wondered if your ideas are worthless, even meaningless? If they’re not even worth sharing? If no one else would even care if you shared them? Then stick around because that’s the topic of today’s blog post.Read more

SMART FOCUS Book 1 Pre-Launch!

smart focus sales page

The moment I’ve been waiting for is nearly here. The first book of the three-book series I’ve been working on for over a year, SMART FOCUS Book 1: How to Stay S.M.A.R.T. and Achieve Your Most Important Goals One Step at a Time, is now just a couple weeks away from launch! Read more

When Goals Collide: Strategies for Pursuing Multiple Goals

When Goals Collide - Strategies for Pursuing Multiple Goals

Life moves in many exciting directions, but along the way it’s often a struggle to decide which goals to pursue—or, maybe, how to go about pursuing multiple goals!In this blog post, I’ll give you some strategies for pursuing multiple goals so you can feel better about chasing that new dream that’s vying for your attention. Read more